• Cut wasteful spending and reduce taxes

  • Maintain a safe and protected community with a strong police force

  • Drive a fiscally responsible strategic capital improvement plan

  • Ensure transparency and understanding of Sewall’s Point government processes

  • Invest in projects that improve the beauty and value of your Sewall’s Point property

  • Support projects that resolve our flooding issues

  • Drive and support initiatives that work to resolve our river crisis

  • Support an efficient hurricane and disaster preparedness plan

  • Maintain strong partnerships with our local business and municipal neighbors

  • Support our community traditions and celebrations

  • Work as a cooperative, friendly, and firm problem solver

  • Maintain a transparent and open door for you and all our residents

I’m committed to preserving our special community by the sea. Let’s
work together to make Sewall’s Point even better. Re-Elect Frank Fender for Sewall’s Point Town Commissioner on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.



As a fiscal conservative, I believe we need to work diligently to keep our property taxes and millage rates as low as possible while ensuring thoughtful infrastructure projects that protect and grow our property values.


My family has benefited from the safe and secure living environment we all enjoy in Sewall’s Point. A strong police force makes us stronger and our property more valuable. We need to explore ways to maintain our community’s security in fiscally responsible ways and leverage technology to offset some of the manual recurring costs. I have been a proponent of license tag security cameras at the entrances/exits to Town.

Property Values

Our homes represent a significant investment for each of us. I am committed to protecting and increasing our property values by driving and supporting initiatives that improve infrastructure, aesthetics, and security to keep the investments in our community growing in an efficient manner.

River Crisis

Few issues impact our beautiful peninsula more severely than the continuing deterioration of our estuary. Send the water south.


We have a significant financial challenge ahead to establish responsible fiscal means to maintain and improve the many infrastructure projects in Sewall’s Point. This will require creative approaches to minimize the impact to our limited budget and millage rate. These include:

  • Emergency & Fire Rescue: Negotiating the most cost effective and efficient means to deliver services to Sewall’s Point.
  • Water: Maintaining our safe and ready supply.
  • Cable: Delivering the lines efficiently and aesthetically.
  • Electricity: Negotiating efficient and reliable delivery contracts.
  • Utility Lines: Increasing property values by decreasing overhead lines
  • Waste Management: Negotiating efficient and reliable removal contracts.
  • Roads: Maintaining and repaving efficiently.
  • Septic: With a septic system in my own yard, understanding the need for responsible systems to eliminate septic and chemical runoff to our fragile river environment.
  • Sidewalks: Supporting a safe walkway to the park for our children.

In all cases, important work is required to support and negotiate the most cost effective and efficient means to deliver services to Sewall’s Point. Simultaneously, as a vocal proponent of aesthetics to improve our property values, including the corridor improvements, resolving our river crisis, and a continued fight for affordable underground utility lines. Regardless, I am also a proponent of referendum, democracy, and transparency. I continue to work as a steward to enable majority opinion to decide these important issues.

Download Your 2024 Fender Re-Election Campaign Platform Letter

Let’s work together to make Sewall’s Point even better!